Infographics outlining guidelines to follow when a child discloses abuse to an adult. Tips are provided.
Infographics outlining guidelines to follow when a youth discloses abuse to an adult. Tips are provided.
A tool for addressing the concepts of gender identity and expression with all youth upon their entry into services. It is accompanied by a facilitator's guide.
Infographic presenting the challenges faced by families of immigrant origin and suggestions on how to encourage their involvement when they receive child welfare services.
Synthesis that presents the recommendations resulting from the research entitled "Use of a promising approach in youth protection intervention with a sectarian group: challenges, effects and avenues for improvement".
Infographic presenting strategies to reduce contagion stress. It describes different sources of stress and explains how stress spreads.
Infographic providing strategies and techniques to promote well-being and manage stress
Infographic on the medicalization of ADD/ADHD, the issues at stake and associated alternatives. Medicalization occurs when a situation or reaction in daily life (sadness, shyness, impulsivity, etc.) is taken over by the medical sphere.
Infographic highlighting disorganized controlling attachment in children and associated parenting characteristics.
Support kit for caregivers on integrating the notion of trauma into intervention practices with children aged 0 to 11.
Interactive vignette on trauma, its sources and impacts. It presents intervention strategies and discusses the traumas that youth protection workers can experience.
Dernière mise à jour: 2023-09-19